Quick links: Block Countries - How it Works? Block IPs- How it Works? Geo Redirector - How It Works? Whitelist - How it works?

Before activating your access protections, you must edit the rules that will be used in each function by clicking on the “+ Add new Rule” button as shown in the image below:

You will be redirected to the “Access Protection Rules” side tab, where you can create new access protection rules and have access to a table with all the rules that have already been created.

To create a new rule, simply click on “+Add new Rule” in the desired rule, below is more information on each of these protections:

Block Countries - How it Works?

Block IPs- How it Works?

Geo Redirector - How It Works?

Whitelist - How it works?

You can see in the example below that you can turn on/off any rule you create with just one click in the “Status” column. You can also edit or delete a rule using the final columns of the table.


To make it easier to manage your rules, navigate through the top tabs of the table.
