The Country Blocker prevents access to users from countries that you specify. Simply select all the countries or continents you want to block in the first field.


The title and text displayed for blocked users are pre-filled but can be edited according to your preferences. Once you have finished editing, you can see how the lock screen looks by clicking on “Block screen preview”.

Don't forget to save your new rule with the “Save” button in the bottom right-hand corner and that's it, access to your site is now restricted according to the rules you've defined.

You can create various country blocking rules at any time. We provide information in our 📊 Access Analytics - How it work? to help you identify improper access.

If you need to access your store from a country that is included in your blocking rules, but you want to keep it blocked for other people from that country, just add your IP to the Whitelist - How it works?