The Geo Redirector is intended to redirect those accessing your store from a particular country to a new site determined by you.

It is generally used to redirect customers to your nearest store. Take the example below:

This shopkeeper has two stores in different countries, in the United States and in Canada.

Using Sales Shield's Redirection Geo, this shopkeeper creates a redirector with the characteristics below to redirect all accesses to the site from Canada to his local store

See how to set up your rules. How it work.png

Some shopkeepers also use Geo Redirect to avoid unnecessary traffic (bots that overload the store) or even to protect the store from unwanted access. See the example below:

This shopkeeper has used Geo Redirect to prevent a specific country from accessing his store, but without displaying an error page like the Country Blocker does, instead the user is redirected to Google's own site.

See how to set up your rules. How it work (1).png

There are several other marketing strategies for using your Geo Redirector, such as redirecting to the store of a partner closer to the customer, to a blog, article or even a pre-sales page with persuasive copy.